At Long Last.... Sydney's Rimless Tank Build!

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Forgot the pic. The longer bottom pieces would be under the substrate.


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Still having filter problems... I put some Vaseline on the impeller. Wouldn't turn on. Took some off, still wouldn't turn on. Took some more off, now there's just a thin coating, and it's still making noise!!! Gah.
LOL So, no mixing the vial in with the jug. Also, it looks like the S. Repens might have been included, but there is hardly any leaves on each stem. I have gotten S. Repens before (then my fish ate it!) and it didn't look anything like this... Leading me to believe this was an extra stem plant he included... Should grow, but still.
DO NOT use the little activator bottle! Toss it!!!

Edit: whoops, late. Sometimes the filter just needs some time to break in... Make sure it's level and just let it run. Once everything gets covered in some good ol' filter slime, it should quiet down... :rotfl:
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You think one or two tanks are bad, try having a shelving unit full of tanks in your bedroom :p
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I put a different impeller in and it has quieted down a tad. Still not quiet enough :p

Same thing happened to me. Had an AC50 that was silent and the new one was noisy. Tried many things; ended up swapping the impellers and now both are quiet. Not silent bit very quiet.
Same thing happened to me. Had an AC50 that was silent and the new one was noisy. Tried many things; ended up swapping the impellers and now both are quiet. Not silent bit very quiet.

I guess maybe it could have been subtle differences in the impellers. Although, when they're spinning that fast, the differences are not so subtle! :lol:
I have noticed that most power filters (well, pretty much any filter with an impeller) have a "break-in" period where they're noisy before the impellers get a nice clime coat on them to help lubricated them.
I bought a used filter and light fixture from my nephew this week and the filter started up like a chainsaw like buzz. So i unplugged it and plugged it in again and it kind of farted and stopped. I plugged it in three more times and was ready clean the impeller when i gave it one last shot. Running like champiion now but i guess they can be fussy to get running properly.
The filter is still being noisy. I have never had a HOB filter do this before! I will try a little bit of Vaseline on the new impeller though.
If it's really that bad, you might think about exchanging it... In general, aquaclears are pretty quiet...

Yeah, all my others are pretty much silent too. This one is used, so not sure if I can do anything about it? My mom did say if I can't get this one quiet, she could get me a new filter on Friday. So if that happens, I may have her grab a mini canister... Maybe the 501 turtle filter? Late at night - cant remember the brand. :lol: Zoomed? I wouldn't be able to do a planted HOB, but I will buy some riparium stuff and go that route. :) I don't know if you guys like rimless ripariums, but I think they look nice. When I am not on the app I will post a good link.

Any ideas on how to arrange the driftwood?

Hope everyone had a good New Years. :)
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