Atlantic Jewel Damsel Flashing

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 28, 2011
After watching this fish for 3 days at the LFS I purchased it and after acclimation placed her in my FOWLR. No other fish in the tank was or is showing symptoms. Tonight day 2 in my tank she began flashing.(Scratching) I do not have a quaranteen tank which is why I watched her for 3 days before the purchase. She is eating well and continually grazes on some diatoms in my tank.

I see no spots of any kind on her. ??? Could it just be stress? How long before Velvet or marine ich is noticable on fins or body. ? Could it be something else?

I was just informed by my wife that the dealer placed this fish in her bare hand to bag! Grrrr. Could it be a slime coat damage and since I did a 20 % water change that day before placing the fish in the tank with a water conditioner containing a slime coat enhanceing product should I just wait and see if the condition worsens or other symptoms become evident?
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The person just straight up grabbed the fish out of the net and put it in the bag?? Or dumped the fish in her hand and then got the bag ready??
The person just straight up grabbed the fish out of the net and put it in the bag?? Or dumped the fish in her hand and then got the bag ready??

My wife said, ( went to the restroom) She cornered the fish in the tank with the net but couldn"t get the fish to enter the net. With the fish cornered she reached into the tank and removed the fish with her hand. placed it in a plastic box with water from the tank and transfered to the bag. I am pssssst off!
Ya I would of been furious. But I wish you the best with your jewel! I have one and I love him! He has the best personality!


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Actually catching the fish with her hand if there was no lotion or soap residue is actually easier on the slime coat than the net. I use stress guard or stability when I get a new fish for my tank or if I have to catch one in a net. I have a fish that I can actually catch with my hand without a problem.

Joys silly fish - YouTube
Actually catching the fish with her hand if there was no lotion or soap residue is actually easier on the slime coat than the net. I use stress guard or stability when I get a new fish for my tank or if I have to catch one in a net. I have a fish that I can actually catch with my hand without a problem.

She had just came out from grooming a dog. I don't know if she washed or not. The good news for now: Since she was eating well and swimming well and no tank mates showing syptoms I simply dosed the tank with a stress coat type product from AP. She has stopped scratching and no spots evident.
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