Attention Chicago and North IL users

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 3, 2002
Highland , IL
I started this forum for only the southern parts of IL. However I noticed that was a little greety and all you Chicago peeps would problably like to discuss your LFS. So bring it on. We are now the Illinois forum!
sweet all my roommates here at school are from chicago. if i know where some lfs's are up there i might have a reason to go up there with them for the weekend. :lol:
I just wanted to broaden our userbase to promote action. Plus who knows, I may visit chi town again sometime.
I noticed that, good work, us Yankee Northern Illinois people appreciate the warm embrace of our Confederate Southern Illinois Brethern.
Just a quick note to others in Chicagoland I have alot of Southdown Tropical Play sand in 50lb bags. You wouldnt believe the time and hassle to get this. Anyway a fair price seems to be 17.50 a bag. If you need some call me at 6308808176 and ask for the sand Thanks
P.S. Without this site and all its info I would be paying a dollar a pound for sand like all the others at the local pet shop. Now I can afford to get something other than a plastic fish. God bless capitalism or Greed works you choose
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