Australian Rainbowfish swimming oddly

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 10, 2014
1~my Australian Rainbowfish (female) is swimming constantly "upward" at a 45 degree angle. She does not appear bloated. Today I noticed white feces coming from her instead of the usual brownish color. She seems to still have a lot of energy and readily comes to te glass for food every time I walk by (am not feeding today because of this just in case) She also kind of looks disheveled? No torn fins, not really clamped- just kid of stressed?

2~What are your tank parameters (ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates ~20, temp 78, ph 7.6 (very stable and never deviates from this reading.)

3~ 87 gallon tank, set up for about 3/4 months but was transferred as an upgrade from my 55 gallon that I've had for years.

4~Cascade canister filter 1500 rated for a 200gallon tank (mine is 87 gallons) also tons of live, fast growing plants.

5~There are about 30 fish in the tank. Various barbs -gold, denisons, and red glass, 2 dwarf gourami, 6 rainbows including the sick one, pictus cat fish and bala shark) - all are very very young except gold barbs and gourami.

6~~30% water change weekly. I use Prime to dechlorinate and Leaf Zone (daily) for plant ferts.

7~Had this fish since tank start up about 3 months ago.

8~New addition: the most recent fish were red glass barbs and 2 dwarf gourami about 2-3 weeks ago. I also switched from fake to live plants (water sprite and anacharis) about the same time.

9. Diet: New Life Spectrum Thera+A (with garlic) once daily except for once a week when I feed live tiny black worms. I feed those black worms to my 2 eels by hand daily because they're babies (I suppose a small worm here or there may escape in the process for other fish?) I read that she could possibly be constipated, have a parasite, or maybe a swim bladder issue? I'm just looking for some advice on this problem!
Edit: today I moved her to a makeshift sick tank dosed with aquarium salt, as I don't know why she's sick still. Other than appearing stressed, her scales are raised and her eyes are large (darker?). Anyone have any ideas hat this is?
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