Azomite in the planted tank?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 12, 2017
So I have only been able to find 1 article about a person using azomite in their planted tank as a micro and macro supplement, with apparently NO issues with shrimp, snails, or plants deaths. His plants did start dying when he overdosed them, but his dose was about 1/2 a teaspoon per 50 gallons (2grams/50gal) once a month. I have a 5 gallon, low tech with 2wpg @5400k, and low to med maintenance plants. I'm approximating my dosage at .1g once a month or at major water changes. I will dose today, and keep everyone updated.
I have an abundance of azomite available to me. And so I've decided to try it out. I only have plants and snails, so I'm not concerned with killing livestock, but I am curious if anyone else has tried using it as a nutrient supplement (basically adding water and creating a chemical solution, and adding it to the tank) and what their successes of failures were. Again, my research showed very little on the subject.
More info on azomite:

My source on the usage info:
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After doing a bit more research of individual elemental componentry found within azomite, it really does contain everything you could want. It also contains copper at 20ppm.
So it contains Fe2O3 or iron oxide, or rust. I've read that it is preferred to use chelated iron for iron intense plants, but I've also read that flourish excel can help plants to be able to us Fe2O3 as a usable source of iron? I remember reading that adding regular iron supplements (non chelated) will lead to the supplement being less effective as it turns into Fe2O3, so I'm not sure if this will be a sufficient iron source, with or without the use of Excel.
Saddle up, because I dozed approx. .08g of Azomite tonight. Hopefully within the week I might have some results.
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