Baby Snails

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 1, 2011
Ames, IA
Hello, all. Bettababe is back! Hopefully I'll be able to be on much more now.

So, some of you know that I had an apple snail named Gary. Well, Gary turned out to be a Garyette. And now I have a thriving second generation of snails. The guppies seem to be thinning the population out some, but I still have over forty baby snails. So, Garyette died recently, and I don't have to worry about her laying more eggs, but I have a few questions.

First, I'm confused about how Garyette laid eggs that hatched. She was the only snail, she was an apple snail, and it had been a few months since she had been with other snails at Wal-mart. Any insight into what happened that she laid eggs that hatched?

Also, when will the little snails start laying eggs? I only want to keep a couple, maybe sell the rest, so by when do the little ones need to be thinned down majorly?

And also, they seem to be growing just fine, but I'm still wondering if the algae wafer, and any food that falls to the gravel that the cories or pleco don't find, will be enough to feed them?

Thanks for the help!
:welcome: back bettababe! :)

Not sure why she was breeding, but when I used to have my snails in the tank before I decided to clear them all out they'd feed on any scraps left on the bottom of the tank.
Ok. It's amazing I didn't come across that in research. Or maybe I just forgot. Thanks. So that mystery is solved.
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