Bamboo Decurations...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 28, 2004
I had a thought today driving down the road. I wonder how bamboo would look as decorations. I would give the fish lots of cover and give some interesting vertical action to the tank you dont normaly see.

Will bamboo turn the water brown?

What would be the best way to keep it from floating?

Does any one have pictures of tanks done this way?
I had the same thought a while back. It seemed like a great idea, but from the research I did it seems that the bamboo should not be moved once it is in place and should only be a few inches under water. So it wouldn't work in my set up. However, if you put some bamboo in a small container and place that at the right height in your water it would probably work. It really doesn't provide much cover, however, since it is really just straight sticks. The leaves, if any, would be at the top.

Do a bit of research on bamboo before buying.

Well I was thinking more of dead bamboo kinda like using driftwood. and use a lot of small sticks from the bottom of the tank to the top like you are the middle of a bamboo forest.
well that could work, but bamboo probally has alot of ingrained bubbles, and it would probally rot pretty quick, if you plant live bamboo you need like an open top and it needs to be able to get out of the water.
hmm wonder if I could find save painted bamboo I could cut to length etc.
Maybe a poly. dip?

btw. your DIY 3d background project is now a sticky!! Congrats! (y) (Im sure all of us would be excited to see some updated pictures in that thread if thats a possibility! :mrgreen: )
I would think it would be fine to add to a tank. I have several feet of the stuff in my workshop. I would think a few things would have to be done first however. A stake would be needed to drive through the membranes between the nodes. I wouldn't drive it through the next to last node, this will be needed as a stop for later. I would cut the bottom portion (relative to the tank) with just above the node. I would then fill this base opening with sand and seal with epoxy. Since we didn't puncture the next to last node the sand will not run out. I am not for sure if this would be enought weight to keep the bamboo down or not. May have to weight two sections. I will try it when I get home this afternoon and see how it works.
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