Bamboo plant in FW aquarium

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My local Petco has bamboo plants for sale, something I've never seen before. They are about four inches tall and usually have one or two leaves towards the top. It actually looks like a section of bamboo that's been cut. They look cool, though. Any thoughts on these? A search here did not turn up anything except for one topic from over two years ago, and all it really said was bamboo doesn't like direct sunlight. :?
i think its called lucky bamboo or something. if it is in your aquarium you'll need an open top because if their left underwater they'll start to rot
That's the one! Even so, I still did not find much information either here or thru Google that pertains to home aquarium use.
Are we talking about "real" bamboo. The one with the thick stem and maybe one or two leaves growing out the sides? If yes, this is definitely not an aquatic plant.
I am surprized that the stuff will live with just tapwater. I bet it would grow really well with aquarium water.
This 'lucky bamboo' is not a bamboo at all, but a tropical peripheral is the same stuff as the 'sanderiana' plants that many aquarium shops sell as aquarium plants. These need to grow emereged and are eventually fairly large plants.
Toirtis said:
This 'lucky bamboo' is not a bamboo at all, but a tropical peripheral is the same stuff as the 'sanderiana' plants that many aquarium shops sell as aquarium plants. These need to grow emereged and are eventually fairly large plants.

Interesting. It was funny all of the stuff I found just doing a search for "lucky bamboo". Who knew that bamboo could "create a positive aura around your home" . . . :roll:

wow . . .
This is a subject that comes up very frequently on the pond message board that I am a memeber of. Bamboo is a bog plant. That means it can survive in water that covers its root by 4-6 inches. Any deeper and its gonna have problems. It doesnt require much to grow, but once it gets those things (water, light, something to grow in) it will grow like crazy. We wont put it in ponds because it can over run a 15,000 gallon pond in one growing season. And just for point of reference..I have a 5,000 gallon pond and I can almost swim in it. I would never put that stuff in my pond, much less in an aquarium. Save yourself the headaches.......dont do it. :wink:
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