Bamboo Shrimp with RES?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 17, 2013
29 Palms, CA
My 4" Red eared slider, Lucy, has complications of catching her own prey due to a shell deformity. I am able to hand feed her fish, by holding them with 3 fingers. (She will miss 20 times) but she's able to munch them down. I have 2 (about 2.5 and a 3 inch) comets in there right now, they like to eat Lucy's shedding skin. They do a wonderful job in helping me clean the tank! And Lucy pays no mind to them.
I do have crayfish, but I never want to put them with my turtle, afraid they may pinch her! (Aggressive little....)
But shrimp! I was thinking about putting a cleaner shrimp or bamboo shrimp in my turtle tank, to test to see if they will help get those little skin particles from her shedding. (Talk about getting the filter dirty! >w<)
Does anyone here have a suggestion about the shrimp?
My turtle won't be able to catch them, but I'm sure they will do no harm on her.

Well first I need to research the shrimp to make sure they aren't salt water...
But just as an experiment, I am curious about these shrimp!

My tank is natural-colored based. So a bamboo shrimp would be more camouflage than a red/white cleaner shrimp!
So I researched a little deeper about bamboo shrimp!
I'm really tempted to get one, possibly this Tuesday...
The water temperature for my turtle should be just fine for a bamboo shrimp. Of course I have little hiding places the shrimp can molt in peace. ^o^
I'm going to try it out!
If your RES is shedding excessively its more than likely that your temperature is a little too high. Juvies like the higher temps but growing sliders prefer mid to low seventies.
If your RES is shedding excessively its more than likely that your temperature is a little too high. Juvies like the higher temps but growing sliders prefer mid to low seventies.

She isn't shedding excessively, she just finished shedding her scutes and now her skin. Now it is almost done. ^o^
I also have my new water heater in the mail, I am getting her brand new supplies for this winter. And yes I am aware of the temps.
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