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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 7, 2017

I am was wondering, will shrimps be compatible with barbs of any type?

I assume not (irrespective of any he number of hiding places etc.)

All insights gratefully received.


Won't be safe with any Barbs. Specially when lights go off. Barbs will gang up to take down a shrimp. Actually with shrimps I always recommend shrimps only tank or very tiny fish like chili rasboras.
Won't be safe with any Barbs. Specially when lights go off. Barbs will gang up to take down a shrimp. Actually with shrimps I always recommend shrimps only tank or very tiny fish like chili rasboras.

Thanks for your thoughts - much as I suspected.

So, a related query ...

If I moved my cherry shrimps (half a dozen or so) into another tank with 3 mature Amano shrimps, would that be ok?

I’ve heard that there would be territorial issues. Aka the cherries would come off badly.

Would it be safe to move them?

Maybe switch the Amano to the Barbs making sure there were lots of hiding places. And put the Cherry Shrimp in their own tank.

If the Barbs get too nippy then put them back. Many people have Amanos or Cherries in with fish and perhaps a few could be eaten but not enough to have an impact. And lots of people do not seem to notice any predation.
Do you already have Barbs of some kind?

If they are Cherry Barbs maybe okay but if they are other big Barbs, the shrimp are pretty much a food source most fish LIKE to eat.

What size tank do you have / are you thinking?
Apologies for such a slow reply to your comments.

I have no barbs - and have decided against them.

The tank is 110ltr - v heavily planted with bogwood. Stocked with dainty Corydoras and kitty tetra (+ the shrimps!)

I think I’ve decided to go for bentosi or black Phantom Tetra instead of barbs.

Incidentally, after not seeing much of the shrimps for a while, yesterday noticed 4 or so babies! Which was something of a surprise!
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Nice to have a good surprise of shrimplets!

Both those fish are possible snackers on the shrimp, if they hide well and dart fast shrimp maybe will produce enough to keep stocked. Once fish get a taste for shrimp, fish really usually will hunt for them - because they taste GOOD!
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