Aquarium Advice Activist
Well, the BBA is starting to get out of control and I need more advice. Here is the current tank stats:
10 gallon heavy planted freshwater tank( since June 2006)
soil: Eco-Complete mixed with small layer of gravel
lighting: 2 x 15 watt compact flourescent bulbs (running from 1:30 pm to 10:30pm)
temp: 76 degrees
Ph: 7.4
ammonia: 0ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: 5 ppm (latest reading)
ferts: Flourish(4 times per week), Flourish excel (4 times per week), Flourish Nitrogen (4 times per week), Flourish Potassium ( 4 times per week), Flourish Phosphorus (3 times per week)
plants: 1 Anubais Coffeeolia, 1 Anubais petite nana, 10 dwarf sags, 1 green crypt wendtii, 1 red crypt wendtii, 6 java ferns, 10 anacharis, 1 huge mass of java moss, tons of christmas moss and a small bunch of willow moss.
inhabitants: 50 + red cherry shrimp and 3 otto fish.
The BBA( small black feathery tufts) is growing mainly on the java ferns, dwarf sags and crypts. It started about 3 weeks ago. I haven't change my routine and do 40% water changes once per week. If anybody can help or has more suggestions, please feel free to help. For the past week, I have increase the Excel and Nitrogen to daily doses.
10 gallon heavy planted freshwater tank( since June 2006)
soil: Eco-Complete mixed with small layer of gravel
lighting: 2 x 15 watt compact flourescent bulbs (running from 1:30 pm to 10:30pm)
temp: 76 degrees
Ph: 7.4
ammonia: 0ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: 5 ppm (latest reading)
ferts: Flourish(4 times per week), Flourish excel (4 times per week), Flourish Nitrogen (4 times per week), Flourish Potassium ( 4 times per week), Flourish Phosphorus (3 times per week)
plants: 1 Anubais Coffeeolia, 1 Anubais petite nana, 10 dwarf sags, 1 green crypt wendtii, 1 red crypt wendtii, 6 java ferns, 10 anacharis, 1 huge mass of java moss, tons of christmas moss and a small bunch of willow moss.
inhabitants: 50 + red cherry shrimp and 3 otto fish.
The BBA( small black feathery tufts) is growing mainly on the java ferns, dwarf sags and crypts. It started about 3 weeks ago. I haven't change my routine and do 40% water changes once per week. If anybody can help or has more suggestions, please feel free to help. For the past week, I have increase the Excel and Nitrogen to daily doses.