Beginner Plants

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 10, 2011
I have a 20 gallon tank I want to set up with live plants and small colorful fish. I am doing some reading but would like to hear some opinions on plants for a beginner in a 20 gallon tall tank.
Java moss. Java ferns. Water Wisteria. Red ludwigia. Those are some easy plants that go well with the standard lights given to you.
Anubias is another good plant and even maybe some hygrophilia polysperma +1 for the above post too all good plants
Hello Round...

By far, the easiest plants are Java fern and Anubias. They'll grow under the basic light that comes with the tank and grow attached to driftwood or lava rock or just sitting on top of the gravel.

Cool! So, when the time comes what lights in your opinion work best. I have read that photosynthesis is most effective under violet-blue and or orange-red light. What is your choice?
Tank Lighting

Hello Round...

Lighting is very easy for low light plants, here's all you need for your 20 G: A 6500 K, T8 bulb is best. It mimics natural daylight at 5500 K. You won't need more than 15 watts, because a standard 20 G tank is long and not very tall, so the plants will be fairly close to the light source.

Java fern can be attached to driftwood or lava rock. Anything that's naturally porous. Attach the plant with dark sewing thread. The driftwood can be weighed down with rocks or just floated.

Anubias will do well just sitting on the bottom of the tank, with some rocks around it. You can also attach this plant to a piece of lava rock.

Neither of these plants should be planted in the gravel.


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