Beginning again-- some advice please

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 18, 2014
My tank is a 20 gal long freshwater. It has been set up for a little more than a year and a half. We homed many guppies and a few gourami's over the first year plus losing a few here and there. At the end, six new guppies where introduced and within ~8 weeks all ten fish were gone. I had the water tested at the LFS and was told it was fine. No fish during that time showed signs of disease (spots, erratic swimming, etc). I had no heater and learned my water was too cold for guppies. Also I had been fighting brown algae buildup. I also slowed down on water changes. (The LFS only did two tests and I do not know which ones.)

So that is the basics of the backstory. The aquarium has been fishless for several months and I have left the filter running. I have done a 75% water change a few weeks ago. I am re-educating myself now. I have bought a heater and the API Master test kit. Last nights readings were: pH=~7.4 Ammo=0 Nitrite=0 Nitrate=80-40ppm. The nitrate reading was difficult as the water was bright red and on the ID card 40 and 80 are very similar. I would say that is definitely closer to 40 (redder) than 80 (darker redder?).

With those readings I assume it is okay to add a few fish but before that step wanted to check with the experienced and ask what to watch for during the first weeks before adding more. (Fish type TBD but probably more guppies)

Last question is on filter media. I have a Elite Hush 55 with coarse foam sponges (in good shade) and a charcoal insert with a finer foam-type material on its face. After reading more here I am either going to just leave the old charcoal insert in place (came with tank and never changed) or take it out if recommended. The finer material isn't in good shape and may be clogged. Would the coarse sponge filters enough? What is recommended here?

Thank you all!
My tank is a 20 gal long freshwater. It has been set up for a little more than a year and a half. We homed many guppies and a few gourami's over the first year plus losing a few here and there. At the end, six new guppies where introduced and within ~8 weeks all ten fish were gone. I had the water tested at the LFS and was told it was fine. No fish during that time showed signs of disease (spots, erratic swimming, etc). I had no heater and learned my water was too cold for guppies. Also I had been fighting brown algae buildup. I also slowed down on water changes. (The LFS only did two tests and I do not know which ones.)

So that is the basics of the backstory. The aquarium has been fishless for several months and I have left the filter running. I have done a 75% water change a few weeks ago. I am re-educating myself now. I have bought a heater and the API Master test kit. Last nights readings were: pH=~7.4 Ammo=0 Nitrite=0 Nitrate=80-40ppm. The nitrate reading was difficult as the water was bright red and on the ID card 40 and 80 are very similar. I would say that is definitely closer to 40 (redder) than 80 (darker redder?).

With those readings I assume it is okay to add a few fish but before that step wanted to check with the experienced and ask what to watch for during the first weeks before adding more. (Fish type TBD but probably more guppies)

Last question is on filter media. I have a Elite Hush 55 with coarse foam sponges (in good shade) and a charcoal insert with a finer foam-type material on its face. After reading more here I am either going to just leave the old charcoal insert in place (came with tank and never changed) or take it out if recommended. The finer material isn't in good shape and may be clogged. Would the coarse sponge filters enough? What is recommended here?

Thank you all!

Well first off Nitrates at 40-80 is insanely high, before any fish are introduced you'll need to sort that out by performing a 50%+ water change.
Your Nitrates should've never really breach 20ppm.

Also do you use a tap water conditioner? If not, high Chlorine levels is what might've mysteriously killed off your fish.

I recommend Fluval Conditioner to make tap water safe and Fluval Cycle for cycling (duh) and adding fish.

Now the media..

The foam inserts are fine, that's your Mechanical filtration right there, it will trap the larger particles from the tank.

The charcoal is your Chemical filtration, what it will do is remove the finer particles, it will also grab any medicines that might linger in the water column.
The only problem with this is that the charcoal will be depleted after around a month and will need to be replaced.

You don't have any Biological filtration, what I would do is replace the charcoal with Biomax Pads, these are purpose built to have beneficial bacteria grow on them.

PS - Get hold of a test kit, I know it's expensive but it can save you more than you think.

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