Benefits of CO2?

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I already offered my thoughts, pps pro and metricide/excel.

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Ah yes you did. I was referring to would the Flourish tabs cover that? I compared the ingredients and they both have a lot of the same ingredients.

And would 1 BPS be a good starting point when the CO2 system is set up this weekend?
Not really, I mean if they are leaching to much into the water, want to keep them buried deep for roots as their is no good way to control their output. You want well calculated amounts going into the tank directly. You'll need a drop checker to measure the amount of co2 saturation. Comes with a liquid regent that changes color depending.

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Not really, I mean if they are leaching to much into the water, want to keep them buried deep for roots as their is no good way to control their output. You want well calculated amounts going into the tank directly. You'll need a drop checker to measure the amount of co2 saturation. Comes with a liquid regent that changes color depending.

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I have a GLA Nana Drop checker on the way, and I also ordered 4 oz. of 4dkH solution to get accurate readings. I will keep looking into fertilizers. Thanks for all of the info over the past few days by the way.
Nice, the glass ones look snazzy too;) pps pro is really the best imo, comes with dosing bottles, lasts years and you can tailor it to any situation. Anytime! It's fun stuff. Remind me to take a picture of the bba in my tank when I get home.. give you some nightmare material haha

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Sorry, I have another question in regards to the CO2. If I am going to stagger the lighting (I was thinking from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM, and 4:00 PM- 8:00 PM), how does the CO2 work? Should I leave the CO2 on from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM (on 1 hour before lights, off 1 hour before lights)? Or should I also have the CO2 turned off when the bright lights are off (12:00 PM- 4:00 PM) as well?
I think if you run the co2 from 8am - 1pm you should be ok. Save the solenoid that way too.
If you're just running subdued viewing light for the 2nd period than you can leave it on a little longer. I'd up the first photo period to 5 hrs at peak light.
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I was just basing the light schedule off of nirbhao. So you don't think I need to run CO2 for the second light period? I am not sure if I can run a subdued light period as far as settings go for each period.

I would like to be able to look at the tank when I get home from work though. With that being said, how does 9:00 AM- 1:00 PM, and then 5:00 PM-8:00 PM sound? So the schedule looks like this:

8:00 AM CO2 turns on (also have moonlight turn on if possible)
9:00 AM Sunrise starts
12:00 PM CO2 turns off
1:00 PM Sunset starts and moonlight comes back on
5:00 PM Sunrise turns on
8:00 PM Sunset turns on and moonlight comes back on
9:00 PM Moonlight turns off

But no CO2 in the afternoon? Will there be enough CO2 in the tank at that time?
How long is the ramp up/down?

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So you agree with my schedule I suppose? What about CO2 in the evening? You said to only do it in the morning/afternoon, but will there be enough CO2 in the evening?

Also, what kind of timer do you use for your solenoid?
What time do you finish work? Why not have the light come on a couple hours before you get home?

Currently I'm at 10 hours 12 till 10pm co2 on at 10am off at 8am. I used to do 8 hours on lights 2 till 10pm co2 on 12 till 8. Intensity is more crucial than duration.
I get home from work around 6:00 PM. I will have the Current Satelite+ Pro so it will be pretty intense light which is why I was trying to break the light periods up
Could I get away with just dosing with Excel (with CO2 and light) for healthy plants, or do I really need PPM Pro? I just ask because it will be another $40 if I get PPM Pro with a scale and RO water.
Dude... do you know what these things even are? Have you researched anything.. no is the answer to your previous question, a firm no

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