Best fish for grandparents

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 1, 2018
Hi, I'm going to buy my grandparnts a tank and wondered what to stock it with. I'll stock it very lightly so I'll have to only do the water changes once every 2 weeks. Im sure the fish will be looked after fine but I still want to stock it with some very hardy fish. So I just wanted some more opinions on they most un kill able fish
Betta fish they have a personality wich ur grandparents will love, they are like little dogs haha
Hello Kyle...

I've kept a lot of fish and the hardiest and easiest to care for are Comets, a smaller species of Goldfish. They're cheap. You can keep a few in a 30 gallon tank and feed some Goldfish food every couple of days and just change half the water every week or so. Their tank doesn't need a heater, just a dual sponge filter and some floating plants.

Easy peazee.

How old are your grandparents? Is your goal just to get them something to look at?

If your grandma isn't repulsed by amphibians then maybe think about a couple of aquatic frogs? I feed my African claws frogs (3 in a 20 g long) some blood worms every other day - change the water and clean the filter once a month. Since they breathe air from the surface, water conditions aren't as critical. If the filter were to shut off for a week they'd be ok. They are fun to watch and have some funny antics. Throw in a few anubias nana and some drift wood for cover and they'll be happy.

Good luck.
It's a 15 gallon, and I don't know if I'll be able to seal the tank well enough for frogs
No need to seal that tank for the frogs; these are aquatic and not likely to crawl out.
15g is too small for goldfish unfortunately.
I'd have a few ottos cats on that list. They are neat to watch and will help with algae. You don't need to feed them. But they like zucchini on a fork once in a while.
I'd just do things that are colorful and easy to care for. Guppies, platies, endlers, peacock gudgeons, maybe a micro schooler. You can have some fun in a 15 gal
I'd be careful getting platy's Molly's, guppies. One thing to keep in mine is breeding. These will all breed like rabbits. I like the red wagon platy's or Mickey mouse platy's. The Orange red color are very pretty. Endless I'd go with for sure. They are too cute! And lots of neon color if you get the right ones.
No need to seal that tank for the frogs; these are aquatic and not likely to crawl out.
15g is too small for goldfish unfortunately.

Yeah, if it was an open top and less than 2" clearance *maybe* they be able to propel themselves up and out, but with a hood there is not way they are getting out. Plus it is good to leave some clearance at the top so they can breathe air. You can see some African Clawed Frog videos on YouTube to get an idea of their personality. They come in a greenish-grey an albino varieties.

Good luck
Endlers are livebearers too and would breed a lot as well. I wouldn't really worry about it though, can either sell the fry or let the parents control it
Even though I am not a grandpa yet I still like keeping easy to care for fish. I personally like bettas, shrimp, snails and dwarf frogs. The mix a species adds some diversity to the tank. And they are all relatively easy to care for once you get used to their individual preferences and behaviors.
Yeah I'm tryna avoid livebeares so I don't have 1000000 fish after a week ahahah
No need to seal that tank for the frogs; these are aquatic and not likely to crawl out.
15g is too small for goldfish unfortunately.

We had an African clawed frog get out of a small tank that had a lid. There was a small opening around the filter that he somehow got through. He jumped off the table and made it about 10 ft. before I found him covered in dustballs and pet hair. He lived through that adventure and has since been rehomed because he got big enough he started eating our fish in a bigger tank. My daughters friend had the same thing happen to their frog and they never found it.
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