Best foods for Africans?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 9, 2009
Yesterday I picked up 4 african cichlids (An Albino,Pink Peacock, and 2 blue peacock) for my new tank. In all the excitement at the good LFS I forgot all about asking the food they recommend. I went to a local FS, but they had no idea and I ended up picking up a can of african cichlid small pellet food for now until I can make a trip back up to the good LFS. (they actually recommended I feed them feeder fish???)

When I fed them last night and this morning they really go after the food and are looking hungry, but I just have this feeling that they should get something else food wise.

What would you guys recommend to feed these little guys?
they will act like theyre hungry 24/7... every time i walk in to the room, my mbuna jump out of the water, and i feed them ALOT. I just throw in pellets every day... you could grab some frozen bloodworms or just set up a 10g with guppies and feed them the fry
I just started feeding my Mbuna New Life Spectrum Cichlid food. Lots of good recommendations on this food and my fish love it.
I just started feeding my Mbuna New Life Spectrum Cichlid food. Lots of good recommendations on this food and my fish love it.

This is the same stuff I picked out on the shelf. Good to see I made a good decision.

I am thinking of getting some bloodworms as other sites have suggested it as well.

Not to hog the thread but would that food also be good for JD's, Firemouths etc?

I would have to research the recommended diet for them. It is good for the Mbuna because they require a low protein diet. I would feed it to the JD's and others and if there diet calls for more protein, supplement with bloodworms and such....
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