best source of water

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 2, 2005
Newfoundland, Canada
What would be a good source of water to use for my saltwater mix? Tap water is not desirable, and I'm thinking of going with commercially bottled water, but this is expensive. Also, that means I'm going to have to buy bottled water every time I do a change. Will I have to purchase a reverse osmosis kit or something?
An RO\DI unit is the best source and you can get them for around $100 on ebay

Also bottled water can still contain harmful chemicals sometimes so I wouldn't go that route either. You could buy RO water from somewhere like Wal-Mart or RO\DI water from your lfs. Still in the long run it’s cheaper just to get your own RO\DI unit and make the quality water yourself.
GPD means gallons per day. The more the better, especially if your using it to fill up a 125 gal tank for the first time :D

RO\DI water is just pure water so disinfecting your mix bucket is not necessary. Just make sure you use a clean 5+ gal bucket/trash can that hasn’t been used for anything else. A simple rinse off before use is all that’s needed. I put a lid on mine when not in use. Don’t use soap or chemicals to clean or disinfect the bucket!

You should be doing PWC at least once a month of 20% but 5% weekly is preferable as it will cause less chances of affecting the SG.

Mix your salt with the RO\DI water to get your desired SG. (Usually around 1\2 cup per gal) Note that your SG reading will be higher at first and will drop slightly once mixed. IMO I’d mix it for a minimum of 4 hours with a PH if you have a FOWLR. If you have any inverts mix for 24 hours. Personally I always mix mine for 24 hours prior to using.

Either way bring the mix up to the same temp as your tank with a submersible heater (keeping the heater away from the sides/bottom) If doing PWC weekly of 5-10% then the water temp is not as critical as long as it’s within 5 degrees of the main.
brett7768 said:
does anyone trust these cheap ro units on ebay??

They are cheap in price but not in quality :D I know at least 10 people on this site that have bought from them and are happy with the units.

From what I've seen it looks like more people went with the Filter Direct store

EDIT: I missed the RO question, I don't think anybody just buys the ro. I wouldn't try to save the $30 on just a RO unit. Make sure its RO\DI. RO can still leave stuff behind. It's fine for drinking water but not the tank. (also an eBay outfit) has a good reputation over at ReefCentral. The Dow Filmtec membranes put out more water at lower pressures vs the "100GPD" membranes others sell.

The units are almost 90% identical to each other though. The filters (need to replace the resin and carbon stages every 6months or so) are in abundant supply and are universal across almost all filter units (even the overpriced ones at Home Depot, etc)
ro/di is the way to go and the 75 gpd is a good unit to get. They say that they are the most efficient units when it comes to rejection rate and final product.

AWI is a great place to get them..
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