Best way to clean tank and filter after fish died?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 1, 2011
I rescued a rosy barb from a tank that had not been cleaned out since around October, all the fish died in it but this one fish. This fish sadly didn't make it, I had been keeping it in a 5 gallon tank that I bought from Walmart. What's the best way to sanitize this tank so it's safe for another fish? The tank came with an Aqua-Tech 5-15 power filter, what's the best way to sanitize this so it's also safe? It came with a 'Bio-Fiber' part in it, that says not to rinse it, not sure if you can buy a new one of it or not. Is there a way to clean both of these so that they're both 100% safe for another fish? Thanks so much. :)
If I am correct, the "bio-Fiber" part should not be rinsed in a set up and running aquarium because it collects all of the good bacteria. With nothing in the tank and with you cleaning it out (and starting a new cycle I am assuming) then it would be fine to rinse it and then let the bacteria build up over again.

As far as cleaning the tank, I have always used a VERY diluted bleach mixture such as a tablespoon per gallon. Using hot water to rinse it out for a while afterwards. Soaps are a no-no in my opinion because it is very difficult to get off all of the resin they leave behind. Although I would not use the bleach mixture on the "bio-fiber" bit.
I've seen many threads say to use bleach mix, I've just been afraid it would kill the fish. The plants,etc I used boiled water to clean. I was told to let the filter sit and cycle through boiling water, which I let it do for an hour.

Question on the bio-fiber part, will it be safe to just clean it with boiling water or just hot water and any bacteria or disease that the fish may of had be gone and not go to any new fish I may get?

I just want to make sure my future fish is safe from disease or any harm.
I would bet that the boiling water would definitely kill the bacteria. Next to the bleach solution, the boiling water would be my next route.
Is it safe to use boiling water for the aquarium itself? I didn't know if it would be too hot and shatter the glass. I know when I was going the route of getting a heater for my turtles aquarium they mentioned under the tank heaters but they said that could shatter the glass, so was worried boiling water might bust the glass in this aquarium if I poured it in to clean it.
I am also, what would you say would be the best way to clean the tank itself without using bleach?
Here's an excellent article on how to clean/disinfect most anything using bleach. Some say use white vinegar only but that will not kill anything, it is great at removing lime deposits and such though.

Bleach duluted to 10% is safe, I use it at half that and have never had an issue. The one thing to remember when cleaning with it (or anything really) is rinse, rinse, rinse.

EDIT: I would not use boiling water, it would need to be at 180 degrees to do any good and that can crack glass and melt plastic.
Thanks so much both of you for all your help, I'll try the diluted bleach to clean the tank and boiling water for the bio fiber.

I'm sure I'll have more questions in the future, as I took on the job of starting a tank at my job from scratch after it was neglected (this is where I rescued the fish from). So having to clean that tank from top to bottom, going to have to buy brand new everything for the tank, along with the fish. I've been researching which fish are compatible with which,etc. I appreciate all of the help from both of you, this website is great. :)
Minabug said:
Thanks so much both of you for all your help, I'll try the diluted bleach to clean the tank and boiling water for the bio fiber.

I'm sure I'll have more questions in the future, as I took on the job of starting a tank at my job from scratch after it was neglected (this is where I rescued the fish from). So having to clean that tank from top to bottom, going to have to buy brand new everything for the tank, along with the fish. I've been researching which fish are compatible with which,etc. I appreciate all of the help from both of you, this website is great. :)

Good luck and when you're ready to start it back up read about fishless cycling here, it'll be helpful beyond measure :).
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