Betta 911

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 1, 2017
Yesterday I noticed a scrape or so I thought on the side of my betta ( half moon ) .This morning it is a patch on his side that looks like dead skin . I don't know what it is or what to do , the tropical fish shop I deal with is closed leaving petsmart as the only fish store for help . I have moved him to a hospital tank , if anyone has any advise I would appreciate it . I am thinking of going to petsmart to get tetracycline but I also know it can be dangerous to treat one disease when it is another . Help please .
I did a 25% water change yesterday and a 10% change this morning . When I do water changes I use live water ( RO )for the fill to be sure that I do not introduce any chemicals or unwanted minerals .
Would recommend matching water when doing water changes. If your tank had tap water, I would replace it with tap water. Can slowly over several changes mix tap and ro, but a sudden change can stress fish.
Thank you all for your help , the battle was over in 38 hours , Fred died the shop had no idea what it was .
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