Betta Buffet okay for Community?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 7, 2011
North Las Vegas, NV
I have a small bottle of Omega One Betta Buffet that isn't being used because my betta doesn't really like it. Could I use it to feed my mollies? Just want to get rid of it and not go to waste...
Between adult mollies and fry/ juvies that are fed multiple times a day it would last longer than 2 wks or so..

What do you guys think??

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Shane l said:
I feed my tetra betta flakes to my betta and my guppies and now black widow tetras they love it and it enhances there colour

My tetra won't eat "tetrabetta" but they love "TetraMin" and "Hikari Micro Pellets" lol.

I haven't tried a mix of them yet but I will do soon...

And anything labeled "Betta" is usually a way to justify a price hike with no real difference in products IME so you should be golden!
Shane l said:
Mine absolutely love frozen blood worms

Currently I can't get them for my fish as the gf doesn't want them in the fridge/freezer.

Guess that's fair, I mean they do still have a varied diet, once she breeds her rats I WILL be getting bloodworms lol!
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