Betta disappeared

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 10, 2017
Los Angeles
Got a betta. Quarantined him. He was fine. Put him in the ten gallon with my ADFs and otos. Other than a few "What on earth ARE you" moments between a frog and the betta, nothing exciting. Watched them for a few hours. Had to leave. Came back. Betta is gone. Moved every decoration. Checked the filter. Moved the dresser the tank is on. This fish has seriously disappeared. The cat was in the garage spider hunting. (Also the cat has shown no interest in any of my fish ever.) The only gap in the lid is where the filter goes. I even unplanted a plant looking for him.

Asked my friend who has more experience with bettas than I do. "Yeah, they do that. He'll show up in the morning." It's morning. He's still not here.

The fish fairy came and took my fish. :confused:

(And to top it all off, my 2.5 year old dominant male molly who is my oldest male molly and the father to most of my younger batch has decided to sit at the bottom of the tank and not swim anymore. :( )
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