Betta Disaster! Help!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 20, 2016
Background Info-
I have a 20g top fin set up tank that's been running with fish in it for about a month give or take a few days. In the beginning, I was testing the water and everything was fine. I had 5/6 bettas (I can't remember) in it and 5 mollies (I know it was risky to put so many fish in an uncycled tank.) In the tank, I have 2 amazon swords and a bit of java moss (all of those are recently added.) Just about a week ago I went to a fish store and saw the cutest fancy goldfish ever. He has buoyancy issues which are something that I really liked at first (I'm trying to fix it currently) I read that putting a goldfish in with higher temp. might help his swim bladder problems so once it gets better I will be removing him from the betta/molly tank and into his own. The temperature is steady at 79F. I have not tested the water recently. The goldfish does appear to have anchor worms which I am buying meds for him.

On to the question(ish)-
Last night one of my bettas looked like she was having serious troubles breathing but I thought nothing of it and went to bed. This morning she was dead on the bottom of the tank. I checked my other fish and noticed nothing unusual. A few hours later checked again and one of my bettas won;t use her left side fin, another betta looks like something took a big chunk out of her tail, another betta had a small grey spot on her. My last betta seemed fine. I left them to do more research to understand the problem. Like 6 hours later I checked on them again and each one of them seems to be very slow-moving (hanging around at the bottom) and the one with the grey spot had tripled in size. I immediately moved the 3 girls into a 5-gallon tank (I know this is way too small but it's for a short time) I did a 25% we on the 20g. I really don't know what to do for the bettas. I don't want them or my other fish to die. Does anyone know what the cause for all this may be??

I read that it may be the ammonia levels so I will be going to an LPS tomorrow and ask them to test my water for me. But in all honesty, I really don't believe that all this would be the cause of ammonia. Could the goldfish have brought all this??

Sorry for the long post!!
That's a lot of stocking for a 20 gallon tank! I cannot think of any other possible option than it was an ammonia spike. Your tank was set up for 1 month and I don't think the nitrogen cycle is completed. You have 6 bettas, 5 mollies and a goldfish. These are way too much. A goldfish needs 20 gallons on it's own, bettas need 5 gallons each and mollies need 10 gallon. Since you added the goldfish there has been a lot of ammonia. Goldfish are like poop machines. Lethargy on bettas and thos big chunks of missing fins could be from ammonia. Please answer these questions:

1. What is your water temperature?
2. How strong is your filter?
3. How often did you do water changes?
4. Do you treat water with water conditioner?
5. Water parameters if you've been to your LFS.

Unless you're an experienced fishkeeper, never try to buy a fish just to cure it. Medications don't work all the time and you are introducing parasites to your other fish, which in the meantime stresses them a lot.
Yeah buying a sick fish has bad idea written all over it.

If you can buy your own test kit. Test strip are a poor way to monitor tank water quality.
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