Betta Egg?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 1, 2013
So i left my betta together over night with the lamp on so they can see and in the morning i see white stuff but i don't know if it's just a bunch of bubble together or just egg? More detail - One part of my betta nest is that theres a clump of bubble together and the bubble beside is just one bubble by each other not stack or anything like the one before. My female is still inside and i wanna take her out asap before the egg hatch if there any.
You really did not give enough information to help, but I will try anyway to lend soem guidance.

First, the bubbles being mounded really doesn't mean anything except the male has built a nest. Next, if the eggs were layed your female would likely be beaten senseless or dead. The key to look for is the males putting eggs back into the nest. He will go to the bottom and pick up one or more and redeposit them in the nest. If you don't see him tending the underside of the nest they are not done yet.

I've breed bettas so here is the scoop that I know. First, you never said if the female was conditioned? She should be swollen and have a white dot on her underside if she is ready to spwan. Next your tank set up, what is it? I would not have over 6" of water in it and would have places for the female to dodge the male. I use plastic sweater boxes and introduce the female from the safety of a mason jar. I release the female after allowing the male to display for two days and don't feed the male during the process. I never leave them together over 24 hours. Once you introduce the female put the mason jar back in with water in it and place it near a corner. The jar will allow the female to swim away from the male and he will be too worked up to figure out there is a jar in the way.

Once they have spawned remove the female and give it 3-4 days for the fry to hatch out and become free swimming. Remove the male and start the green water for food.
yea sorry that wasn't alot of detail but what got me stump wondering if its egg or not. The bubble nest he stack all together are white and the single bubble are just clear but im not sure if the stack one have egg or not if its just the reflection of the lamp. He always attack the female when ever shes under the nest and when she is , she's like a male watching if theres any egg falling or not. The male will go beside the heater for awhile and come back to tend his nest. Also it's his first time too. Female is out (of the tank) and the male is under his nest n sometime beside the heater (Heater beside his nest)
My female was beat down and by the corner but no rip fin (surprise) and breathing heavily so i took her out but she kept going under the nest. shes not condition but her belly were big too when i got her. She already have her horizontal strip ( | | | ) and was always under the nest waiting for the male and he dance a bit but chase her away. He wasn't ready? The water is 4 inch high and im using those sqaure bucket and doing Elite Betta advice breeding. She had the flower pot and heater to hide at. Remember in the nest there is white bubble on the stack bubble.
What I found most helpful when I was breeding bettas was a high powered magnifying glass. A breeder's required piece of equipment. ;) When you are dealing with such small eggs, you need all the help you can to see the things.
As for the layout of the nest with eggs, I've had everything from a cluster around a plant with the eggs all clumped in the middle to a single line of eggs in a bubble along the side glass of the tank. This was where the Magnifying glass really helped cause I could see the egg in the bubble.
I also use PVC connectors in my breeding tanks for the female to hide in should the male get too aggressive. You can see these and some of my setups in my album section of my profile.

Hope this helps

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