Betta fight / re-decorated 20gal

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 11, 2005
Finally found someone in town that grows java moss, so I got a handful of it, some watersprite, and 30lbs of Denver granite ($3.20 from my local landscaping supply store :wink: ) and redid the whole 20 gallon. The betta tank got leftovers.

Old 20gal setup

New setup


Close up of the granite, female ram

Both rams, female is on the left

When I was topping off the betta tank I put too much water in and Lumi jumped into Aquaman's division while I was at Home Depot. I got lucky and neither fish went for the kill. When I found them Lumi was behaving normally and struting around and Aquaman was hiding under a fake plant.

I think Lumi actually took the most damage, since he's part half-moon or deltatail he got pretty shredded. Being a lyretail actually came in handy for Aquaman, he had a bit of fin ripped off but nothing serious. The ventrails on both are okay and neither are bleeding, so I just dosed them with some Aquasafe to help them repair their slime coats.


Couldn't you place a pane of glass on top of the dividers? Through the whole length of the tank, so that they can't jump? Probably too heavy, but just a though. PLus you would lose allot of your W/gal. :lol:

Glad they're ok :wink:
The dividers are that plastic you weave a rug out of.. there not extremely stiff.. PurpleS. posted links for the DIY last time!... good looking tanks by the way! :mrgreen:
I'm going to try and hunt down or aqua bid some ricca to lay as ground cover, maybe some corkscrew val or regular valsineria? and get another, larger sword for the back left corner. This tank still feels... in-complete and the moss in the front of the tank looks tacky to me.

At least I have my rams :) Been waiting and waiting for them for like three months.

Billsgate said:
Couldn't you place a pane of glass on top of the dividers? Through the whole length of the tank, so that they can't jump? Probably too heavy, but just a though. PLus you would lose allot of your W/gal
I've thought about doing something like that, but I think I'd rather get some water lettuce and lower the water level.
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