Betta Fish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 13, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
I was looking at getting a couple Betta's for my bathrooms and was wondering what to expect? Does anyone on here know anything about them? I am new to fish keeping and just have some tetras and platies so not sure what to expect from a betta? Please give me information!! Every where else I go on the Internet tells me nothing and so far on here you guys have been giving more help than ever before!!
Bettas need a tank about 3+ gallons and are well known jumpers. I can't tell you how many times I've come home to a dried up betta on the floor (okay 2 times but I was young). They need a heater,a weak filter ( they're bad swimmers) and some ornaments or plants to play in. Males need to be kept by themselves and females (depending on the personalities of the individuals) can be kept in a sorority (but you would need a bigger tank). Aside from that, they are probably some of the easiest and most durable fish you could find ;)
First I'll tell you all bettas are different and they all have different personalities... some bettas will be super calm and others will kill anything that moves... Also bettas are tropical fish and should be kept in a tank between 76-82 degrees they should also be kept in tanks of at least 2.5 gallons if they are alone and 10 gallons if you want any other fish the bigger the better!!! I have two bettas and they are very very different in personality both my bettas are in 5 gallon tanks and they love the space... and be warned bettas are very advictive.. I'll be getting some females soon to start a sorority (5+ females in the same tank but it has to be 10g+)...
I was looking at getting a couple Betta's for my bathrooms and was wondering what to expect? Does anyone on here know anything about them? I am new to fish keeping and just have some tetras and platies so not sure what to expect from a betta? Please give me information!! Every where else I go on the Internet tells me nothing and so far on here you guys have been giving more help than ever before!!

Bettas have tons of personality, if you treat them right. In bowls/vases they can be pretty boring because they don't have any room and they typically are cold. Put them in a heated, filtered tank of 2.5 gallons or more, and they are all over the place. Exploring everything and swimming up to greet you whenever you walk by. Begging for food and showing off. With proper frequent water changes, a filter isn't a must, but a heater is, they like their water around 78 degrees. Contrary to popular belief, they aren't cold water fish. I like air driven sponge filters for betta tanks because you can use a valve to adjust the flow. Bettas don't really deal with fast moving water very well because of their big fins. They aren't the best swimmers in a current, because their fins kind of act like sails. Also, betta tanks should have a cover! They are notorious jumpers. My rule is either have a cover or have at least a few inches between the water line and the top of the glass.

Since you are looking to keep them in a bathroom, be careful to place their tanks where they aren't against a mirror. They will flare at their reflection, and the constant attempts to defend their territory can stress them out. However, it's fine to let them see their reflections occasionally for a few minutes at a time. Seeing them flare up is always cool, and it gives them something to do.

I feed mine high quality floating small pellets or frozen brine shrimp or bloodworms. Occasional quality flakes. Bettas can be prone to some digestive issues, so it's important not to over feed them no matter how much they beg. Their stomachs are about the same size as their eye. One bloodworm or a couple micro pellets is enough for a meal, and you shouldn't feed them more than once or twice a day. If you notice they are bloating up a little after their meals, fast them for a day or two or feed them part of a de shelled cooked pea. It kind of acts like a fish laxative. Personally, I don't feed mine any freeze dried foods because these can swell up when they become saturated with water, and if this happens after the betta eats it he could get bloated or constipated. If you want to feed freeze dried, it is recommended to soak the food in a little tank water before you give it to them.

And of course, never house two males together. They are called "fighting fish" for a good reason. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
There are bowls and vases that will hold 2.5 gallons of water, and can be heated.

This is Poppa Smurf (male doubletail betta), in his vase with this 7.5 watt heater.


He also has an airstone. The vase is planted (soil with gravel cap). He sits on my kitchen counter and keeps tabs on me while I cook or do chores.

I may be the only grandma in the United States with a betta named Poppa Smurf.
Thank you all for your posts. I feel that I have a better understanding of this great species of fish!! I feel that I will be able to have bettas and be able to enjoy them more and longer!! I will be getting them soon so I will make sure to posts some pictures of them as soon as I can!!

This site is AWESOME!!!
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