Betta Food?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 10, 2013
I recently got a new betta, but it won't eat the flake fish food I got for him. He ate a few bloodworms, though. What should I do? Just keep giving him the flakes until he gets hungry enough to eat it?
I heard that it takes about a week and a half for a betta to starve to death so don't over feed because the ammonia will be worse then him missing a few meals of course I bet you knew that ,but keep trying bloodworms since that will most likely be the first food he will eat. Most bettas die for them.
If he's not eating flakes try new life spectrum pellets my friends betta love them he also likes the omega one pellets. Good luck! I'm getting a betta soon too!
all of my bettas refuse flakes, which is good for the one thats in my community. try pellets and bloodworms twice a week. i feed mine pellets, freeze dried blood worms, frozen blood worms and frozen brine shrimp
My bettas have generally turned up their noses at flake as well. IME they are more likely to eat pellets. You don't want to give them bloodworms every day, so try a high quality small pellet formula like the others mentioned, and hopefully he will go for that.
Yay, my betta is eating the flakes (as well as the bloodworms, with gusto)! I guess he needed a little time to adjust. Thank you for all of your help and good luck on your fishy ventures! :)

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