Betta tank and tankmates advice?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 28, 2010
Oyster bay
So after a while of about 5 fish in my 20 gallon high tank I have decided to restock except this time I decided to prove that bettas don't have to be alone an purchased a beauty golden male veiltail betta. I am pretty sure I have done everything right with him (made the filter current as low as possible and turned the air bubble on low) although of anyone has any advice on how to make the current on a power filter on zero haha please let me know
anyway I have 3 corydoras (2 albino, 1 emerald green) the betta and my 1.75" albino bristlenose pleco<3 that is out allllllll the time! And yes he is a pleco anyway I was hoping on any ideas on more fish even though I am limited on space my local pet store has a ton of types of tetras serpae, black skirt, and gold barbs and cherry barbs please do not post and tell me I ha e no space.
Fish that won't make the betta feel threatened. Non-aggressive fish.

Don't quote me on this, but I think the pleco will need a bigger tank than 20g...30-40+ I believe.

Friendly community schooling fish will work with him.
I have tetras, glofish, albino cories and shrimps as tank mates for my male crown tail, haven't had any issues at all, but the betta was added last. I heard sometimes bettas can be semi-aggressive to other fish, but mine is a pretty chilled (maybe it's because it's the slowest thing in the tank since its fins are all shredded).
peace full tetras and fish that won't make him feel like its another betta (fancy guppies for example) no long flowing fins in general. Definitely do-able, i have one in a 10 w/ some harlequin rasboras and snails
forgot to mention, also no fin nippers! tiger barbs for example
Yeah so far so good except for going after a female platy I had but will serpae tetras work? They don't have to be colorful I am just looking for sone movement in the tank and preferably not neons or black neons
serpaes can be nippy unless they are in big groups, neons or black neons would work
Your bristlenose will be fine in your 20g they only get about 5in or so so the only problem is is it will just lessen the other amount of other fish you can add is the only thing. Be sure to feed him! Your betta full grown will get to be about 3in or so as well as your corydoras (love them!!). So your at about 17-18 in of fish adult size in your tank. You are kinda pushin your limits with what you can add. So a few pointers you could try...r you religious with your water changes? what kind of filter do you have? If you are religious with your water changes, you have a decent filter that you maintain as well and you don't over feed I think you could add a shoal of a few small fish. If you do live plants in your tank as wel and are at least moderately planted it well help keep the waste down if you push your limit of fish a little.
White clouds go well w/ bettas theyre cute little fish that swim in the top level of your water. You could also def do the cherry barbs, also bloodfins would be ok as well. However I wouldn't do more then 3-4 of any of these guys so you don't overcrowd your tank and end up w/ a problem. :fish1:
Another fish to consider are endlers livebearers I have a few with my betta. Also both of the two bettas that I have get along with cories! CPDs would be good as would chili rasboras and the harlequins as mentioned above'
These are a few rules I've seen when keeping fish with bettas:
1. No other anabatoids or any other territorial top dweller
2. No know fin nippers
3. No aggressive fish
4. Nothing too active
5. No guppies
Even though there are a few exceptions to each of these rules (I've broken rule #1 many times for example) these are generally how you should find tankmates suitable for bettas.
Hmmm cherry barbs sound nice how many would you recommend? There's also these small silver shoalung fish I've seen that are slender skinny fish I don't know what they are called?!? One thing that is distinctive is that their 2 side fins are higher than thier mouths... Not sure but cherry barbs...
Pleco11771 said:
Hmmm cherry barbs sound nice how many would you recommend? There's also these small silver shoalung fish I've seen that are slender skinny fish I don't know what they are called?!? One thing that is distinctive is that their 2 side fins are higher than thier mouths... Not sure but cherry barbs...

Cherry barbs would be fine with bettas.

For the silver fish...look up silver hatchetfish, silver dollar, silvertip tetras and silver mollies. Those could all possibly be it.
The silver fish I was talking about look just like the hatchets just all silver and without the huge belly thankyou! But how many cherry barbs would be the max for me?
Pleco11771 said:
The silver fish I was talking about look just like the hatchets just all silver and without the huge belly thankyou! But how many cherry barbs would be the max for me?

With other schools 6-7. With just them plus the betta 9-10.
In my very limited experience-
Neon teras work well
Corydoras Catfish work well
African Dwarf frogs work well
Bloodfin Tetra has been 50/50, and sounds like they will not work well in general
Ghost shrimp were consumed by the betta pretty fast, but I never saw it happen
My betta never ate any shrimp, not even newly born ones that are smaller than a grain of rice.
My betta never ate any shrimp, not even newly born ones that are smaller than a grain of rice.

yeah, some bettas are like that, mine is like that haha, he never ate any shrimp, but he killed an adult mystery snail. they have very unique personalities :)
i have guppys,dalmation and balloon mollys,variatus and mixed mickey mouse platys and a plec in with mine and some neon tetra and they all get along great
I'm not sure about the silver fish it could be several things lol if you try cherry barbs I wouldn't do more then 4 just because if you stick with your 20g you don't wanna over crowd
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