Betta two gallon

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Well everyone says to put Bettas in a bowl so I don't agree with your idea. What do you mean by a buddy?
jrskater1999 said:
Well everyone says to put Bettas in a bowl so I don't agree with your idea. What do you mean by a buddy?

Another fish, they also say goldfish bowls but some kinds need at least a 29 per fish. Research helps to sort myths from fact, he'll need room to swim around, think of him with his fins out doesn't leave a whole lot of room
I dont know much about bettas but a ten gallon woukd be perfect, heated and everything along with a hiding area or something
A 2.5 gallon tank is the absolute bare minimum make sure to do pwcs and add some live plants
A 5 gallon would be great a 10 gallon would be better and opens options for tank mates
2.5g are only suitable for one Betta with no tank mates. Anything under 2.5g isn't really suitable. You might be able to get away with the 2g if your Betta is small and you keep up water changes. From 2.5g to 5g you are looking at shrimp and or a snail. From 5g to 10g your looking at shrimp, snails or possibly the addition of a small school of nano fish. From 10g and up your options are more varied with a combination of all of the above.
I don't think there's anyone on this site that would ever tell you to keep a betta in a bowl. Just because they can, doesn't mean they should.
okapizebra said:
I don't think there's anyone on this site that would ever tell you to keep a betta in a bowl. Just because they can, doesn't mean they should.

+1 bettas shouldn't be kept in bowls.

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