Betta with Scales Missing from head.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 19, 2015
Waltham Abbey, UK
Sammy seems to have lost some scales from his head, he wasn't like this a couple of hours ago. Hopefully my attachment has worked and you can see in the picture. He seems to be fine otherwise but this has me worried.

Water parameters are good (0 for ammonia % nitrite, 7ph temp 27C), any ideas what might have e caused this and what I should do about it?

Oh I did a 25℅ water change yesterday, there are pygmy Cory in the tank too and they are not showing any signs of any problems. Thanks.

Is there anything sharp in the tank or maybe any tight areas that he may have tried to get through or under? It could just be a scratch from him trying to squeeze into an area he couldn't fit or maybe bumped his head.
The tank is mainly plants and driftwood so I guess he could have bumped his head swimming under a log or something. If it is just a scratch and will heal up that would be a great relief.
It looks like an abrasion to me. My one betta had a couple scales missing from his head randomly a while back, but it healed up pretty fast. Maybe took a week, I think? I'd just keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get infected or anything nasty like that.
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