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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 20, 2012
Hey I have a betta in a 5 gallon and was wondering if there is any other fish I could put in with it??

Depending on what kind of shrimp you add (if you add) he may find them very tasty!
You might get away with a few cories, possibly, but it depends a lot on the temperament of the Betta. And you won't know if he's the peaceful minded sort of Betta until you put other fish in there with him.

Ghost shrimp are large enough as adults that most Bettas would likely leave them be, but you'd have to provide plenty of hiding places for them anyway, so they can hide if the Betta decides to go after them.

It's iffy, is the problem. Some folks get away with keeping Bettas in community tanks, and some Bettas can't get along with any other fish. Betta are most likely to go after fish that have fins similar to theirs.. guppies, sailfin or hifin or longfin anything, etc.
Cories would not be appropriate for a 5g with or without the betta.

Shrimp on the other hand may work, if your betta lets them. There is a range or personalities with betta; some can cohabitate a small tank with shrimp, and others will kill anything you put into a small tank with them.
Ok. Thanks!!
Was thinking of some shrimp!
Do they need special water conditions or just fine with normal tropical conditions??
Ok. Thanks!!
Was thinking of some shrimp!
Do they need special water conditions or just fine with normal tropical conditions??

It really depends on what kind of shrimp you want to get. Some like it colder and some like it warmer. I recommend red cherry shrimp or ghost shrimp. They are what's normally kept with Bettas. It's all on your Betta though some are ok with tank mates some are not.
The more plants you have for the shrimp to hide in the more likely they will be able to make it. It gives them somewhere to hide if the Betta decides to bully. Plus they may breed and the tiny babies will need to hide if you want them to make it.
Thanks for info.
Going to get some cherry shrimp.:)

Hopefully they get on
5g is a little small. If tank was larger, would get away with some neon tetras as well :)

Got 8 red cherry shrimp 1 week ago and all are still alive:) hopefully al betta gets bigger he won't eat them! Lol
If you upgraded to a 10 or 20 gallon tank, your possibilities are MUCH better than a 5 (really only useful for a single or divided double betta tank) in a 10 you could have an even-tempered betta and a small school of neon or cardinal tetras, or a few ADFs or apple snails, or dozens of other combinations. A 20 is where the options really explode, with the ability to fully utilise tank layers like having surface swimmers (bettas, gouramis, guppies) middle swimmers (tetras, platies, mollies) and bottom feeders (cories, otos, ADFs, shrimp) and give them enough space to really flesh out a complete simulated ecosystem. Live plants are wondeful as well...they look nicer, they function as an ammonia-removal system better than just about any artificial filter, and I swear fish can tell the difference and act happier with live plants rather than silks or plastics
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