Bettas with Discus

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 1, 2011
Cincinnati, Ohio
Hey guys,

My bro has a betta that I want to relocate to a bigger tank. I'm thinking maybe a 10 or 20. My question is, what kind of fish can I keep with them. I understand no fin nippers or fish with long, flowing fins. Can discus go with bettas? I want to have a really colorful tank while still keeping it a bit low cost, so are there any more brightly colored fish (assuming that won't be a problem) that would do well in a smaller tank? Any help is much appreciated.
Probably not. Bettas don't like fish that are too colorful or pretty. It depends on the individual fish but I highly doubt it would work. Try tetras or rasboras. I keep a betta with seven harlequin rasboras and they live together peacefully.
Yeah, probably. I don't know about every type of tetra. I think there are one or two aggressive ones out there. Before buying just make sure they are peaceful. If they are there most likely won't be any problems. Beware that even within the most peaceful species you will get the occasional fin nipper. If this happens, either separate the betta or rehome the bully to somewhere where he/she can still have a school.
No problem. Good luck. Just remember not to have too many schools. Bettas can get stressed with too many active fish. Limit yourself to two schools and maybe some other catfish or something calm that can be kept in smaller numbers.
I saw someone on here who kept a betta with discus. But they would need a much larger tank than a 10 or 20 gallon.
Cory cats are often good fish to keep with bettas and they give the bottom of your tank movement. Betta just don't seem to pay them any attention at all so you could do say 3 Panda's or Julii's in a 10 or 4 Pygmy or Dwarf Cory's.
Cory cats are often good fish to keep with bettas and they give the bottom of your tank movement. Betta just don't seem to pay them any attention at all so you could do say 3 Panda's or Julii's in a 10 or 4 Pygmy or Dwarf Cory's.

+1 cories are great too

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