Bicolor Blenny

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 11, 2003
Pittsburgh PA
Hey all, here is a question.

Is anyone familiar with Bicolor Blenny's being able to slightly change color. The one I have is strange in that it is dark brown on the front half, but half of his face has light patches on it that are occasionally more pronounced. It isn't Ich, and when he gets frightened the patches get more pronounced, and when he's feeding they fade to light brown again. The reason I don't think it has a disease is because he also has lighter vertical stripes along his body that also become more pronounced in certain situations.

Anyone familiar with this? Is this typical/normal?

Any help would be great, because if it is a disease I should treat it accordingly. Thanks!
Most blennys will do as you report, it's nothing to worry about. If you look at this pic of my redlip blenny, you'll see the light patches your talking about ;) sometimes they are darker than this, sometimes not.

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