big fish for new tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 24, 2011
kolkata- India
I'm going to buy a new 75 gallon tank very soon. First I planned to go with school of african cichlids. But now I've changed my mind and decided to keep a big cichlid like JD or Oscar or flowerhorn or green terror. I'm confused about which one to keep. I also have texas in my mind. Can you please tell me which fish is going to be most attractive with unique personality?
From what ive heard oscars develop great personalities and can even be taught tricks
I don't have any of those species, however, I do know that flowerhorns need to be kept in single specimen tanks, as they are so aggressive.
That's not a problem. I'll keep only one fish if required. Just can't able to decide which one to choose.
its fully up to you. go into a lfs and look at them, thats how most people would decide :D
oscars are like the most intelligent, fun and teachable and cool looking. u can get two in that tank.
flowerhorns are stunning, absolutely amazing. not as much personality/intelligence though, but all about the looks.
green terrors do what they say on the tin; very aggro and beautiful. high personality and confidence like an oscar.
JD are pretty in colour (not much in face :p) and have tons of personality.... they like to shred things haha. apparantly. almost as much intelligence as oscar, also comes in incredible electric blue.

what do u like best? xxx
My personal choice is green terror and flowerhorn. I had green terror few years ago. I loved that fish. Due to aggression problem I gave it to a local fishkeeper.
I have all of the above except the flowerhorn (due to the aggresive nature). I find the jack demsey to be the most colorful and a very good personality. I have also recently gotten 2 electric blue jack demsey that are absolutely beautiful and very peaceful.
i have an oscar and i have a mixed malawi tank, and i personally enjoy have more fish to a tank than just one fish to a tank... IMO

but if you're to choose to have one fish id have to be biased to the Oscar cause i have one! very cool, stunning bright red patterns to the black, and sometimes you'll get the black/tan/bright red... it jumps outta the water for food, sometimes jumps outta the tank, its fun to throw a handful of danios in there and watch the oscar try and catch em... i enjoy my oscar very much! they're almost like a dog, and they'll come to the glass for you every time you enter the room...

but again, im biased...
Thanks for suggestions. Can I mix JD with Oscar? I mean one JD and Oscar will be good or a pair of JD?
No, I would think a 75 is too small for either since both require a 55 gallon minimum so to house both we're looking at a 110 gallon tank. Not to mention the aggression that will build up between them.
Not sure about the pair of JD.
arup said:
Thanks for suggestions. Can I mix JD with Oscar? I mean one JD and Oscar will be good or a pair of JD?
Oscar and JD wouldn't work in a 75 just not enough space. However you may be able to get away a breeding pair of JD in a 75.
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