Bill's 12 Long - A Rimless Iwagumi Build

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Bill...are you sticking to low tech for the new scape or did you change your mind (again) and decide to go high tech?
Some of the hardscape materials for the 5 gallon are in route, they should be here today or tomorrow. I'll be hunting for the rest after work today. I'm excited, I might get to play with a new tank tonight! :D
Lucky lol

Well, the 5 isn't costing me much as I already have most everything I need. I just needed to order some hardscape stuff. Luckily I just got a refund sent to my PayPal account so I was able to purchase one of the things I needed. Some of the plants will come out of the 12 and some I'll be looking for today. I just hope I can keep my trip to the LFS under $40... ;)
Well, the 5 isn't costing me much as I already have most everything I need. I just needed to order some hardscape stuff. Luckily I just got a refund sent to my PayPal account so I was able to purchase one of the things I needed. Some of the plants will come out of the 12 and some I'll be looking for today. I just hope I can keep my trip to the LFS under $40... ;)

Haha always a tough tasks to do. My girlfriend insists on coming to the LFS with me. Not because she enjoys fish, but if she leaves me alone in there I may come back with more than I set out for :)
Haha always a tough tasks to do. My girlfriend insists on coming to the LFS with me. Not because she enjoys fish, but if she leaves me alone in there I may come back with more than I set out for :)

See, I work nights so I can sneak a LFS trip in during the day while the wife is at work... ;) I won't get scolded until she gets home and notices... I'm pretty good about not spending a lot of money though, I'll only get what I need. ;)
Well, the 5 isn't costing me much as I already have most everything I need. I just needed to order some hardscape stuff. Luckily I just got a refund sent to my PayPal account so I was able to purchase one of the things I needed. Some of the plants will come out of the 12 and some I'll be looking for today. I just hope I can keep my trip to the LFS under $40... ;)

Depending on your lighting I might give u a cheap deal on some of my trimmings if I have anything that might intrest you.
Made it out of the LFS and petco for under $20! Hahaha :whistle:

Now to wait for the mail man who holds the last piece of the puzzle...
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Cabomba furcata, myrio red tuberculatum and ludwigia ovalis I think I'd have to look at the paper to make sure wich ludwigia it is. I also have 3 portions of hygrophilia corymbosa kompakt. I also have some sprouted hybrid hardy aponogenton bulbs they grew like weeds in the 20 but kinda stunted and died off a little with the transfer to the 10 and will have some baby amazon swords soon. I also have guppy grass but I'm selling almost all of it off. The myrio and a portion of hygro would be the first ones available and then the ludwigia. The cabomba doesn't seem to be growing very well with my setup I may sell most of it and put a dw tree in Its place.
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