Bio- Spira or Cycle

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 11, 2003
Clearwater, Florida
Which of these would benefit the cycling of the tank best?



Please don't cause an uproar, I'm doing a research. Thanks.
Bio-Spira. I've had good success using this stuff while Cycle doesn't have as good a reputation. I understand that the New/Improved Cycle is better than the older stuff though.
Forget Cycle. Bio-Spira is the ONLY product on the market right now which contains the correct nitrifying bacteria. The folks over at Marineland did some studies, and it turns out the bacteria everyone thought cycled a tank were mostly the wrong ones (which is what Cycle contains). I've tried both; the New Improved Cycle did nothing, Bio-Spira cycled 4 tanks for me instantly. I also discovered the bottle of Cycle I had had readings of over 100 ppm nitrates undiluted; others have tested it and discovered detectable levels of ammonia. And yes, there have been folks who haven't had the 100% success rate I have had with Bio-Spira, but even then the nitrogen cycle wasn't as severe as it would have been otherwise.

If your doing research (and you haven't read em yet) you might want to check out Marineland's studies. They are peer-reviewed, so its not as if they are tooting their own horns...
If you live in the States it has to be Bio-Spira, going but what everybody says on here.
I have read some great reports about Bio-Spira on here, esp. from Alli. I recon she has shares in the stuff Hahahahahahahah. You must go with what your fellow Americans say they know it better. Us Brit's have to wait as Marineland are not planning to export it yet. :(
I used Bio-Spira once.

The only reason it did not work was because it got warm during shipping, it must be kept cool for it to stay alive.
Bio-Spira, hands down. I've used it on two tanks and it has worked perfectly both times with pretty heavy fishloads.
Read my article about Bio-Spira. I have used it many a time, and it does what it says. It is expensive for me, about $9 to $11 for one ounce packages, and about $20 for the three-ounce, but it is worth it if I can fully stock a tank. I have ordered it from Bernie in TN and it is cheaper from him, including shipping!
Gunnie said:
My vote is on the bio spira. I've used it 3 times with fantastic results. Here's a link which might answer a lot of your questions.

Thank You everyone for the info...

And Ally you too.

The reason I asked is because I have always like Bio-Spira since it came out. Yeah they are expensive but worth it. I am being debated into this topic on several forum boards which still believes in "Cycle". I am doing this to show that there are may more folks using this Bio-Spira products versus the Cycle products. Many say the new Cycle works better but I believe it is just another "sales pitch". But Thank You again.
Good thing you included the caveat at the beginning, though. A lot of ppl here feel quite passionate about one product or the other!
Thanks Bernie for that info, when i e-mailed marineland a couple of months ago they said that they were not planning to export bio-spira to the UK at that present time. I think it would be great to get it in my store.

Many Thanks
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