Biocubes and the like...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 8, 2012
Does anyone know how big these get for saltwater usage? Is there another brand that is bigger? I am really interested in starting a biocube saltwater tank at my dads house with his assistance. I am experienced only in fresh and we plan to study up and learn tons before jumping in. Thoughts? Als as a side question, don't filters desalinizethe water?
I know you need a filter regardless on my last question but my question is how do you prevent desalinization?
Largest biocube is 29 gallons if that's what you're asking. Red Sea Max Aquariums are the only other plug and play aquariums that are larger. They have sizes 34, 65, 110, 135, and 175. They are quite expensive, but you wouldn't need to gather a bunch of supplies and research equipment. The convenience is tempting, but a little research goes a long way and would save you a lot of money.

Great that you'll research before instead of after a problem arises. I say go for it! Biocubes are great for beginners and you can do lots of modifications if you'd like. Are you planning to have a reef? Filters can't get rid of the salt in the water. However, when water evaporates, the salt is left behind. This is why you must top off with fresh water (no salt added) so that the salinity can drop back down.
Douglas4701 said:
I know you need a filter regardless on my last question but my question is how do you prevent desalinization?

Youll fine the opposite to be your concern. Filtration does not do much if any desalinization. However you will be constantly be battling a rising salinity as water evaporates. This is counteracted by adding freshwater to the tank.

Over time and by that i mean weeks/months salt levels can dip slightly as some is skimmed out, salt creep etc. however weekly water changes at the a constant salinity will prevent this from making an impact.
Sorry it's take time to answer. This is some great info. I think we would want some reef/aquatic plants...
Personally I'm a fan of putting a setup together from individual parts. That way you get exactly what you want and can more easily fix/replace things when (not if) they break.
Biocube are pretty much gravity style filters though, yeah?
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