Black Ghost Knifefish ok with Angels?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 1, 2004
I would like to get a black ghost knifefish.
Are they ok with Angels, neons, gold algae eater and a cat fishy??
Also, do these fish hide all day and come out at nite? I would like to stay away from a "boring" fish :+)

The black ghost knifefish will hide all day, and will get to be 18" long. If you have a 55 gallon or larger tank, it would be an interesting fish, but it would probably hide most of the time.

With regard to compatibility, it should be OK with the angels, but I wouldn't trust it with small fish like the neons.

All in all, probably not the fish for you at a guess. How big is your tank?
im pretty sure it wont hide if you have certain things. like at bigals or somewhere they sell this thingy that bounces their lil sonar around making them feel secure but its clear but you can still see them.. and it works because i saw it in a black ghost knife tank at my lfs
BGF's are VERY predatory, in fact they'd probably eat the angels eventually as well. After all they do in the wild.

Those BGF tubes are only acryllic, they don't "bounce" the sonar signals like manufacturers say. It's the only place the knife can hide and they still stress them out because they still don't feel secure while inside of them. A PVC cave surrounded in rocks or driftwood would be a better idea. These are not fish to be kept for viewing purposes, they're seldom seen and are nocturnal. Eventually they will become diurnal after a period of time, like any nocturnal fish once they feel secure.
Damn, I have a 55gallon tank.. I read somewhere that they do not hide all day and are sometimes active during the day.... Oh well, guess I will have to pass on this..

Thank you all,
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