Black Kuhli Loach Tank Mates?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 15, 2011
Stagecoach, NV
I'm thinking about getting 4 kuhli loach for my 55g tank. I have 5 angelfish and 3 gouramis, 2 bn and 3 cory in the tank. Would the kuhli do well with these other fish? It is a planted tank with sand and driftwood.
From what I have read on kuhli loaches, it should be fine.
They like to burrow, so if your substrate is small smooth stones or sand, they should work well. Like most loaches they do well in groups of 5 or more, so I'd go with atleast 5. I'd also add a 1-3 more cories. They are shoaling fish that like to be in larger groups. :)
Thanks everyone. I didn't realize there should be 6-8 corys. Looks like I need a lot more corys because I have 3 in my 29g and 3 in my other 55g. The Kuhlis will be in a tank with sand. I have gravel in the other two tanks so I won't put any in those tanks. Will the Kuhlis be able to get out of the tank if there is a little space open by the filter?
6 cories at a minimum is best. 4 isn't that bad either, especially with the larger types. Since you have the room in there though, I would go ahead and go for 6 or more. :)

I keep kuhlis with a standard plastic lid and HOB filter and have had any issues.
Yes unfortunately most local pet stores will reccomend to keep schooling fish in groups of 3, however a school of 6 or more and you will be amazed at how much more interesting the school becomes. I even noticed a huge difference when I increased my neon tetras from 6 to 8. I never even really liked neons before, but my kids picked them out and now I am really enjoying the group.

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