Black molly is dead

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 25, 2005
minnesota usa
This morning when i woke up if found my black molly dead... last night he wasnt able to stay off the gravel (swimming up and falling back down). Atleast he survived a cycle and most of the way through a ich treatment.

The ich treatment is for the other molly.... i'm already starting to decrease the temp and salt level.

Now i'm starting to think he has a slight case of mouth fungus.... last night it looked pretty gnarled up with red spots on the lips... now its just alittle messy.

I have no clue about why my molly died... all my water parameters have been fine for weeks... unless its some bacteria level (i havnt gravel vaced yet but i am buying one tomorrow)

Nothing on him was abnormal either.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :x
Sorry to hear about your sudden loss. If it's any consolation, I lost my one and only mickeymouse this morning as well. He had been a little constipated and hadn't eaten for several days. :(
Sorry to hear about your loss too. I've been reading up on the flexibacter columnaris....when fish have that does their hole head look like its a cotton ball or majorly falling off??

Since my molly's lips only have alittle red and white on them.

Any advice or help would be helpful
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