black spots on leaves - help

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 7, 2011
Sydney, Australia
hey guys.

I have black spots on most of my plants. what could this be from? k deficiency? I dose seachem comprehensive, have DIY co2 which is a constant 1.5 bubbles per second, and have 3w light per gallon.

any ideas?




K is usually pinholes with blacl around it. It could be black spot algae search it up and try and compare some pictures if so you can kill it with flourish excel in high doses or any fertilizer with glutaraldehyde or however you spell it
will api leafzone work?

Not sure what that is. It is starting to look like its slowly going though. I was using my DIY set up for co2 but have now installed my fluval and it seems the co2 is diffusing much better. I believe the problem was probably high light, not enough co2.

Fingers crossed it gets better

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