Bleach tank, keep trying, or sterilizer?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 8, 2013
I've been battling some kind of disease in my quarantine tank for over 2 months. (This question is pertaining to my tank, not a particular fish). I've tried aquarium salt, Paraguard, PraziPro, Mardel Quick Cure. The fish get better, but then almost on the dot 2 weeks later they show the exact same symptoms, every time (fast mouth chewing, not schooling, not eating, lumps under skin). I'm tired of trying to battle this, and have had to euthanize or return to the store almost 10 neon tetras. Now 3 more are sick. (Silly me, the tank I bought the original 6 Neon Tetras from had 1 fish in the tank showing these symptoms).

What would you do... Return all fish and bleach the tank, let the disease run another 2 months and watch fish die, buy a UV sterilizer (if that would help)?

By the way, tanks been running for 4 months, no other diseases, no other medications, Ammonia always 0, Nitrite always 0, Nitrate always below 10, pH 7.4.
If it was me and you don't have many fish return them all

Put bleach in the tank with water in and leave the filters running for 24 hours stirring up the substrate every now and then

After 24 hours remove the filter flush it
Drain and refill the tank a few time stirring up the substrate as you go

Refill the tank and add seachem prime

Job done

Don't buy from that store again and don't buy neons get cardinals
If it was me and you don't have many fish return them all

Put bleach in the tank with water in and leave the filters running for 24 hours stirring up the substrate every now and then

After 24 hours remove the filter flush it
Drain and refill the tank a few time stirring up the substrate as you go

Refill the tank and add seachem prime

Job done

Don't buy from that store again and don't buy neons get cardinals

+1 on all that !! Personally I'm not a fan of neons and find that they generally have a high mortality rate.
Alright, I returned them all (16 neons), and bleached the tank.

Is this a general consensus, don't get neons? What, get Cardinals instead? What's comparable that's hardier?
Alright, I returned them all (16 neons), and bleached the tank.

Is this a general consensus, don't get neons? What, get Cardinals instead? What's comparable that's hardier?

Based on 4 posts, two of them being yours, I would say that's the general consensus.
I agree and cardinals are better looking IMO. I'm also a huge fan of rummynose tetras
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