Blenny/Goby Compatibility

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 19, 2011
I have a 90 gallon reef tank. Currently I have 3 Bluegreen Chromis, a mated pair of Ocellaris Clowns, and a longnose hawkfish. (I also have a Zebra Dartfish in QT). I am planning on getting a Midas Blenny, Diamond Watchman Goby, 6line wrasse, and a kole tang. Would this be overstocking? also, I was looking at the lawnmower blenny. Would he be ok with the goby and the blenny?

I have a bunch of soft corals, a candy cane coral, a small CUC (im getting more asterea/cerith/nerite snails soon) and 3 peppermint shrimp too. Just FYI.
I'd say you're at you limit just about if you add those guys. I would say the midas blenny and lawmnower should be fine, they look nothing like each other which if they look similar you could have issues. I plan on adding a midas to my tank and I have a lawnmower already. :)
I'd say you're at you limit just about if you add those guys. I would say the midas blenny and lawmnower should be fine, they look nothing like each other which if they look similar you could have issues. I plan on adding a midas to my tank and I have a lawnmower already. :)
I was just kinda wondering about the diamond watchman goby and the lawnmower blenny, because they both stay on the bottom of the tank and look relatively similar. But thanks!
I currently have a pink spotted watchman and the lawnmower and they have been fine together. :-D

You'll be fine.
My lawnmower is aggressive towards my clown. I had to take my filament wrasse out of a tank with my midas because of aggression/ Every fish is an individual and some times they just don't get along. My other lawnmower got along with the clown just fine.

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