bloated fish - is it pregnant or does it have parasites?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 16, 2005
maryland U S A
I have a 29 gallon aquarium with tiny fish - guppies, neons, danios, etc. I have had it for over three years and all of the fish are originals except for those that were born in the tank. I bought them to establish the bio cycle intending to get a few larger fish when the tiny ones died, but the guppies started breeding and I have too many now. Some little black and silver fish I purchased as starters were sold as danio white clouds. One of them has swollen up to a huge size and I am wondering if it is pregnant with eggs or has it contracted some kind of parasites. It is acting normal and eating just fine. Other than being all bloated up, it is acting pretty normal. Help
Does it look like the scales are sticking out? Try feeding some peeled microwaved peas they help with constipation. It could very well be full of eggs.
Yes do check for the scales sticking out, if they are it is most likely dropsy. It is a good sign that she is still eating. Try the peas as rich suggested as if it is constipation that will help. I'm not sure if they are danio's or white clouds, but I don't think either species are live bearers. I may be wrong and if so someone please let me know. I have some fish that are simply fat and I have been feeding them less food lately and it has been slowly working. They are just incredible pigs when it comes to food!
swollen little fish

I suspect that this fish has been eating a lot of the small fry babies the guppies have been having and it may very well be constipated or just overeating. The scales are not sticking out and there are no indications that it is any distress other than it's huge belly area. I am going to wait and see if any babies or eggs result or until it shows signs of distress. It has maintained beautiful color and fin health. I am just concerned because I have had this little fish for four years or more and all of a sudden it has begun to swell up. No other fish are exhibiting any signs of illness or stress. The fish acts normal and eats the fish food I feed them, something it had kind of done with less enthusiasm before. It tended to hang around the plants where guppies laid eggs and small fry hid, before now. It rarely came to the surface to eat food, but preferred eating morsels that sunk below the surface. Recently, it has begun to come to the top with all the other fish and seems less inclined to haunt the areas where baby fish hid, swimming in the open areas much more. I am going to wait this out for awhile. My big problem is that we are moving to a new house and I have about a hundred little fish in this aquarium that I do not know how to safely relocate without purchasing another aquarium for the new house to put the fish in while I disassemble the old one. That will require time for the new tank to mature and balance, so I will probably end up losing a number of fish anyway. I just hate to do anything that will interfere if this little fish is carrying eggs.
How far away are you moving? There are several ways to safely relocate fish without having to subject them to a cycle. Depending on the distances moving there are different methods. You don't necessarily have to lose fish in that circumstance. If you did purchase another aquarium you could also run the new filter on the old tank for a couple of weeks to get the filter media seeded for the new tank to cut down cycle time on the new tank.
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