Blue dolphin cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 25, 2016
Has anybody had any experience with them? I recently bought 2 very small babies. And ive noticed they are the slowest growers ever.
Not the slowest growers ever, but definitely not fast growers either. Feed them a well-balanced, nutritious cichlid formula (one of my favorites for young fish is Omega One Cichlid Flakes, but there are other great prepared foods), and they'll grow. They won't really get their best color until they reach about 5" though, which may take several months. Once they color up, you'll realize it was worth the wait.
Not the slowest growers ever, but definitely not fast growers either. Feed them a well-balanced, nutritious cichlid formula (one of my favorites for young fish is Omega One Cichlid Flakes, but there are other great prepared foods), and they'll grow. They won't really get their best color until they reach about 5" though, which may take several months. Once they color up, you'll realize it was worth the wait.
Awesome! Thats what im feeding them now, as well as blood worms. Im really excited for them to grow. I feel like they arnt a very popular fish, but from what i have seen they are a really nice addition to a tank
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