Book for a beginner

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 23, 2004
Kingston, ON Canada
Can anyone suggest a good book to purchase as a newbie to the hobby. I plan on doing a freshwater planted community tank and would like something to reference for both livestock, setup etc, and possibly plants.

I have found "Aquarium Fishes of the World" by T.F.H. Publications (#TS-292) to be a good all around reference for fish and plants.
You can try" The simple guide to Freshwater Aquariums" by David E. Boruchowitz
This is a very informative book.
243 pages of do's and dont's and how to get started.
It helped me out alot.
Hope you enjoy the read.
For a planted tank I would recommend...Aquarium Plants manuel by Ines Scheurmann & Plants for Your Aquarium by Wolfgang Gula.
You might be able to find some decent ones to check out at the library as well BTW, including the ones members have listed.
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