Breeding Question

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 4, 2013
I have a 29 gallon tank that I was thinking about using as a breeder tank for some freshwater fish. I was wondering which fish are the easiest to breed. I have heard that zebra danios are pretty easy, but how would I go about actually breeding them?
Basically get 6-10 of them, acclimate them to the tank, do a 10% WC, leave them in the tank overnight, and in the morning move them back to a different tank (so they don't eat the eggs). Wait a few days until you start seeing a whole bunch of wigglers on the glass and rockwork (They are VERY small), and be warned, you will have hundreds of fry. Some people recommend using a bare-bottom tank but I did it in a 10G with an undergravel filter (and gravel) and everything went fine. Don't use a backpack filter though, it will suck up the fry.
How do you know when to put them in the other tank?

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You don't really know when to move them. I normally put them into the breeding tank for just a night.

Fishobsessed, they really aren't compared to zebra danios.

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To breed zebra danios you will need a sponge filter for filtration also I use no substrate in bottom since they like to scatter their eggs. But I also take about 20 4 inch stans of yarn and make a mini mop that they could drop their eggs on and in. Once egged are laid remove parents as they will seek eggs out and eat them. I get 2 females their usually chubby and makes are always thin so I do a 2 to 1 ratio. Feed them blood worms and tubifex worms and food with high protein to get them ready to spawn

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Nah it's not nearly that hard. Just put them in an aquarium and do a small water change, leave them overnight, take them out in the morning. Feed the fry finely ground flake food. That's really it.
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