Brilliant Rasbora & Harlequin Rasbora with protruding & mis-shapen stomachs! Help?

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Jennie L

Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 10, 2012
i live in the suburbs of Sacramento CA.
Brilliant Rasbora & Harlequin Rasbora with protruding & mis-shapen stomachs! Help?

I have a 40 gal. freshwater planted aquarium with 10 brilliant Rasbora, 8 harlequin Rasbora...I woke this mornin.g & they all looked fine....Now half of EA. Type if Rasbora have protruding stomachs, odd shapes! Camera not working sorry! Also a few of the Rasbora look darker in color. I have had this tank up & established for 2 mo. Did not overfeed. Water parameters are:
PH: 7
Ammo: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrates: 0 as they have been for four wks. Now. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance. Jen
Also, I noticed a small white dot (ick?) On one of the Harlequin Rasbora...sick tank... PLEASE HELP...I KNOW IT'S FRIDAY...YET IF ANYONE IS AROUND...I NEED YOU. NVR. SEEN THIS BEFORE, COULD BE DROUPY??? IDK???
Jennie L said:
Also, I noticed a small white dot (ick?) On one of the Harlequin Rasbora...sick tank... PLEASE HELP...I KNOW IT'S FRIDAY...YET IF ANYONE IS AROUND...I NEED YOU. NVR. SEEN THIS BEFORE, COULD BE DROUPY??? IDK???

Im not sure what it is, it is hard to diagnose bloated belly but my experience with bloated bellies has never ended well. Could be constipation.

Thing I noticed is you have 0 nitrates which usually is a sign your tank isn't successfully cycled. Maybe someone can provide some additional info. I would first start treating for constipation as it can't hurt.
:facepalm:Well today I woke up to find two of my Harliquin Razors jumped out of my open tank. :'( I would really like to put a hood on it yet it is built w/nothing to hold a standard hood on it! Any ideas on who sells or makes custum hoods or where I may be able to order one??? Hate for this to happen again. Angus suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you one & all!
Jennie L said:
:facepalm:Well today I woke up to find two of my Harliquin Razors jumped out of my open tank. :'( I would really like to put a hood on it yet it is built w/nothing to hold a standard hood on it! Any ideas on who sells or makes custum hoods or where I may be able to order one??? Hate for this to happen again. Angus suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you one & all!

Any normal tank with a black rim around it should accept a standard glass cover. They are relatively inexpensive and can be found at most LFS if it is a standard tank size. Typically every tank I have bought has come with a glass cover.

Theyllok like this. And make sure you get a plastic piece with it as that is for the back.


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