Panting Congo Tetra - pls help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 19, 2020
Hi there,
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Video for viewing symptoms here ... ---- >

The Congo in question is at the bottom of the group at the start of the video - easy to spot - the gasping one.

His jaw must be so sore it's been going on for perhaps 5 days now. He is a little less interested in eating as the other 5 but still has a nibble. Whether he's actually ingesting is difficult to tell.
He seems to have no other symptoms, color is good he's still fairly fat.

PH 7.5ish
Zero ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.
KH 3
GH is hard to tell - the colour didn't change, it just starts off light yellow/green and gets darker and darker as I add drops. I'm wondering if my GH is zero !
I perform weekly 20% water changes.

Anyway I know this fish is not so well and I'm wondering what to do. Thanks for any suggestions. I have metronidazole on hand from a previous successful Cichlid treatment but that is all the med's I have currently.
Worth noting roughly a month ago I lost quite a few newly introduced Harlequin Rasboras of which some showed white mouths, with only one showing any other white areas (on the spine). Some showed no symptoms and still died. When this settled I introduced another 15 Harlequins from a different supplier and they have all survived. I wonder if this Congo has picked up the same disease and is now fighting it. He's about 6months old, a great size and shape - it would be sad to lose him.

Thanks again for any time invested to help me and my congo out. And happy to provide any further info that may help.
Try doing your test for GH on the tap water and see what happens.

If still 0 try adding a tablespoon of salt to a cup of water and check it. It could not be 0 no matter what with salt in there.

Always recommend a pwc. If anything seems up.

What is the water temp? Normal?

Can you see any lice, worms, flukes, on gills, vent, eyes, mouth, scales. I would watch this fish and some of the other fish too especially the gills, maybe for gill flukes.

You might add some additional aeration to the tank.

Do you have Epsom salts on had? Plain no additives or oils in it?

If you do, do your water change after the tests.

Mix up a teaspoon per gallon of plain Epsom salt, magnesium is needed by the water along with calcium to maintain buffering capability (though it seems your water is okay) but mainly here using for the fish.

Maybe he will begin to feel better.
Thank you. I will test the tap water tomorrow. Temp is 25c. No outward signs of gill problems or any other signs. I don't use co2, and I usually let the outlet of the filter break the surface for oxygen.. so, if the water is incredibly soft. Is zero gh pretty bad conditions for tetra ? Thanks
If KH which is calcium is 3, GH should be registering because it would cause some hardness. So I wonder if your test kit is working correctly. The salt water sample test will help check.
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