Brine shrimp

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 3, 2011
Hi guys and gals I was in my LFS looking for a differnt type of food to give my fish a change now i already use frozen brine and mysis shrimp my question is i seen freeze dried brine shrimp has any one used it before and is it as benefical as the frozen stuff any ideas .......?

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Brine shrimp from what i heard is like us eating chips, a tasty treat, but not a good diet. It should be fortified to help give some nutritional value, some come already that way.
Freeze dried brine shrimp .. Yea the stuff i use is fortifid with garlic i buy it in a big block from my LFS ....

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If you are going to feed brine (which I would not do all the time) I would feed frozen and make sure it`s vitamin fortified. Variety is always the best option when it comes to feeding.
I vary there food oceon nutrition flake ....pellet and mysis it to is fortifed i only have one common clown one watch man goby thats all i only have a 20 gallon tank how many more fish would you recomend so the nitrate's dont go thru the roof between PWC ......?

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So do you reckon one more fish then....?

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There normanly round about 5 sorry i didnt realise it was small i would test twice a week it's just so they dont rise over 5 any other fish you could recomend cheers .....

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Thank you i must start saveing for a bigger set up lol ......

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