Bronze Corydoras Profile

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 5, 2009
Wollongong, Australia
Hello Again,
So today im going to do a profile on the "Bronze Corydoras"

The bronze corydoras is one of the best bottom feeders, though being quite common it is still very pretty thanks to a green sheen through the "bronze" strip on its body.

The care level of these guys is easy, but needs an established aquarium to be able to thrive
This particluar Cory may also be called a "Green Corydoras" and sometimes has colour injected into the fish for extra colour, dont buy the fish if you think it may be coloured.
All Corydoras have armoured with over lapping scales known as plates

Habitat & Care
This Cory can adapt to many water conditions and temperatures. They prefer a acidic to neutral PH and Soft to slighty hard water.
Also temperatures at the 70's range

They dont like salt in the aquarium and if medicating with salt then to move them out before medicating. They should also be kept in schools of 4 or more.
All corys like to dig around so a substrate of small smooth edge rocks or sand should be used, this will also avoid their barbels wearing down prematurely, also hiding spots as these little guys can be shy.

Bronze Corydoras are omnivores and will eat anything from Bloodworms to Flake, to matain a good health a variety is segguested. Also sinking pellets designed for bottom feeders can be fed also.

So just the final word these guys are fun loving bottom feeders looking for a good time. They have tons of personality and are inexpensive. Finally some Pictures


Cool :) I have one, very peaceful fish and maybe because I only have one mines never hides and constantly swims all over the bottom of the tank digging about.
Nice profile. Good info :D I'm wondering if I can just add one green Cory with my 7 sterbais.
This is a great profile. I have albinos and three-lines. They are my favorite fish! I love it when they cuddle. When I had 1 albino and 3 three-lines, she stayed to herself. I added 2 more albinos about a week later and they all pal around together...but my albinos happen to be braver.
My LFS is a 5 star and is totally amazing. Everything I get there is healthy and they give great advice. The owner loves corys too.
You see in the second picture, is the gravel alright for them coz i got simular gravel.
Jason7894561230 said:
The gravel is fine for them. But you can also construct a sand box for them to play in if you want

I second that. You want small gravel, the regular aquarium gravel is fine for example. I plan to switch to pool sand soon, but have been using gravel.
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